Saturday, 1 March 2014

Super Sonico Snack Time Special Figure by FuRyu

Standing at 128mm (approximately 5") tall, FuRyu's Super Sonico Snack Time Special Figure is a prize figure that was released in November 2013. I managed to get hold of one back in mid-January, but have only just gotten around to reviewing it.

Here are some box shots, and what's inside!

Click here to buy on J-List!


There are loads of different Sonico figures out there, so if like me, your wallet won't stretch to buying every figure you like the look of, it can sometimes be hard to choose which ones to buy.

I went for this one for a number of reasons. First of all, it's pretty inexpensive compared to most other figures of the same size (prize figures tend to be fairly cheap), and doesn't really skimp on the quality.

Secondly, her proportions aren't as ridiculous as some of the other figures available. I've said it before, that I'm not a huge fan of figures with gigantic boobs and teeny tiny waists. A more realistically proportioned figure is much better in my book.

Thirdly, I like the pose; it's different to a lot of other figures, in that she's sitting down, as opposed to standing up and striking a pose. It's not regular sitting down either; it's quite dainty looking, and much more relaxed and fun.

Fourthly, the base isn't a boring round plastic disc. It's an armchair! Now, that's not necessarily all that interesting either, but it's a whole lot better than a plain, flat, round thing!

The figure has some pleasant looking textured areas, with a kind of a stippled texturing effect on her shorts and socks, effectively giving the illusion of fabric. The creases on her t-shirt and shorts look great, and her hair drapes nicely over the armchair. The flesh tones are suitably coloured, with some subtle shading around the knees, hands, and posterior.

The paintwork is fine, though there's no real need for a highly detailed paint job, so most of it is kind of flat, in terms of shading. The most detailed parts are the TV remote, the small plate of doughnuts, and Sonico's ever-present headphones.

The colour scheme is white, and cutesy pastel pink and blue, which is pretty common for most of the Sonico figures at the moment. Of course this complements her hair, which fades from white to pink.

Overall, it's a very well sculpted model, with nice, if not too exciting paintwork. The fact that it's not resting on a round plastic disc is a bonus, making for a more interesting looking figure/pose. Although I don't own many figures yet, this is probably my favourite of the ones I've bought so far.

Recently, "Super Sonico The Animation" was made, which began airing in Japan in January.

All photos by


  1. Great review, Sonico is one of those characters I 'discovered' on all the wrong kinds of sites. But then I went to Tokyo in March and noticed how popular she is, kinda like Hatsune Miku. Anyway resin figures of her could be "won" in insurmountable odds at the club Sega arcades. I'm sure if I wandered Akihabara long enough I would've found retail figures to just straight up buy, but I oddly didn't let my inner Otaku flourish too long over there, I saved it for anything Evangelion related. But digress I do... I wouldn't mind getting one of the sonico figures but the potential customs fees and prices on ebay deter me somewhat. I've just recently bought Sonico's game from Play-asia but haven't played it yet, partially not being able to read Japanese, partially because I'm a bit embarassed as to what the actual content of the game will entail, and partially because my backlog of to play games is as big as Sonico's... Popularity.

    1. Hey Chris, thanks for the great comment!

      I discovered Sonico just through getting into anime figures, but never really went further than that; I was aware that she was a game character, but that was about it.

      Regarding UK customs fees; I've found that anything above a £15 value will require some sort of fee. In fact I had to pay £12 customs duty for this figure. It's not very clear how much you might need to pay; there's info online, but it depends on what the goods that you're buying are, whether or not it's a gift, etc. So it's difficult to prdict how much you might end up paying.

      As a result I've kind of stopped buying figures for now, though I still have a few "in the bank", so I'll have a few more reviews coming up. I did pre-order a figure too, due for release at the end of August. That one was about 9000yen, so I'm expecting a nasty fee on top of that.

      As far as I'm aware, in the Super Sonico game, you take the role of a photographer, taking shots of Sonico as she models for you. There's also one to be released later this year, where you have to train her up to be an idol.

  2. Beautiful lovely review with gorgeous cute images!! I enjoyed it,, tnxs!!

    1. Hey Anthony! Thanks for stopping by and reading this review! I'm glad you like the images.

      I am going to review another Sonico figure soon!


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